Kosher Restaurants

Unfortunately at this time there are no kosher restaurants located in RSF. The restaurants and caterers listed below are approx. 20 to 30 min. drive by car.

The Place Catering  - Shabbat Meals, Takeout. Delivery Available. 
10785 Pomerado Rd, San Diego, CA 92131   
(858) 549-7000    -   (858) 549-7010 FAX  (619) 254-4420 CELL 
[email protected] - 

The Grille Restaurant & Emet Kosher Market 
6548 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115 
888-418-1437   -

The "PLACE" at JCC                                                                                          
4126 Executive Dr, La Jolla 

 Catering by Felicia G.                                                                                                    

 Delivery Available      619- 742-4747    [email protected] 

Catering by Charles Rubin 
Delivery Available   
(619) 583-1636    -    (619) 583-1635 FAX

Ralphs Kosher Experience 
8657 Villa La Jolla Drive, La Jolla, CA  92037 

 Albertsons Del Mar
Check out the kosher aisle and freezer for a small selection of kosher products. 

Lang's Bakery  (Wholesale) 
5490 Complex St #601, S Diego, CA 92123 
(858) 496-LANGS (5264)    -   (858) 565-6691 FAX