The holiday of Purim is fast approaching and will be celebrated on March 24th.
There are 4 special Mitzvot that are assigned for this special Holiday:
Hearing the Megillah, Having a Feast, Mishloach Manot & giving charity.
Join in the RSF Purim Unity Gift Project: This year our Mishloach Manot gift package is themed: Am Yisrael Chai and feature sweets, Hamantashen, and other treats from Israeli vendors! The gifts will be delivered to over 200 of our RSF Jewish Community members, friends, and supporters! Along with it, recipients will receive a card wishing a Happy Purim from the Chabad RSF Jewish Community
together with the names of all those contributing to this project.
Be a part of this CommUnity Project! Have your name included!
Names of all submissions received before March 14th will be included in the list of participants.
We thank you in advance for your participation.
This year, every contribution will include a Mishloach Manot gift
that will be delivered to families of IDF wounded soldiers.