
Bat Mitzvah club 2024-2025

  • Student Information:

  • Parent Information:

  • Emergency Information:

  • Payment Information:

  • $0.00
  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Authorization:

  • Transport / Emergency Care as listed above Authorization:

  • I hereby give permission for my child to be transported to and from field trips, and to participate in them in all RSF Hebrew School activities. I understand that during the course of RSF Hebrew School my child can be hurt. I accept the risk of possible injury and authorize any member of the Chabad RSF Hebrew School staff to render any necessary first aid. Furthermore, in an emergency case, I hereby authorize Devorah Raskin, Rabbi Levi Raskin or another staff member to have my child taken care of by a physcian or other medical person in any way the situation calls for.

  • Should be Empty:
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